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- My investment thesis
My investment thesis
Why it's important to know exactly what you believe and the world that you want to help build.
The job of an investor? My belief, is to help build the world.
If you’ve created enough resources to become an investor, you’ve taken care of yourself and your family, that’s a big deal.
A lot of people I talk to that start investing, don’t really know “what” they want to invest in… so they go for what’s hot.
The last few years? Crypto and Real Estate
When I ask them why… the answer isn’t generally something that’s really believable.
“It’s the future”
“I want 10 condos on the beach”
There’s nothing wrong with this, at all, I believe it’s fine for you to have whichever investment strategy you’d like.
However, if you spoke to those same people, a lot of the time, they don’t really spend much time thinking about the big picture future.
Again, nothing wrong with this either, most of us are busy.
In order to answer this question, I took a sabbatical in 2020 for 6 months.
I wanted to answer the question…
What world do I want to build?
I figured it out.
From it I built my Oldford Capital Investment Strategy, you can find the link to that right here.
Obviously this took time, however, what I decided was, as an Entrepreneur-led Investor, I was going to dedicate 80%+ of my resources, money, time, attention and energy into what I believed in, keeping the 20% to hedge my risk, if my bet was wrong and it all came crashing down.
I’m 3 years into this bet and so far, I’m 99% certain it will work out in my favor.
Before this understanding it felt extremely risky anytime I made an investment, further, it felt like I didn’t really know “why” I was doing what I was doing…
More money? That’s fine, but why?
More freedom? Okay, that’s good, but why?
More time? That’s great, but why?
I believe we can have all AND as Entrepreneurs, we have a super power most investors don’t have.
Thing is… if you don’t leverage that superpower you’re investing the same way as everyone else.
If you want 8 or 12% returns, that’s great.
I’m 31, I’m a decamillionaire and I’m ready to create massive wealth and impact.
That isn’t going to happen at 10% yearly returns, nor is it fun. Further, I wouldn’t of created anywhere near my worth if I just started investing in the “normal” stuff. Instead, it was created in “my” stuff :)
If you want your cake and eat it too? Understanding your thesis for investing and the future you want to build is a must.
It also builds great clarity.
And clarity is required for success, fulfillment and momentum.
- Scott
P.S. What’s your investment thesis? It might take time to develop (like mine did), however, once it’s “locked” in… The universe will start conspiring for you in wild ways.